
Eh Eh.. Haritu Cakap Lain?

Conversation Last Week :

Boss1: We want to change the cooked starch to instant to reduce the amount of energy used.

Me: But the instant starch has lighter consistency compared to the cook starch Boss1

Boss1: Then you can add guar gum to increase it a bit. Try Xg instant Yg of guar gum and Zg of whatchamakalit. And we'll see how first.

Me: *jots down* ok Boss1

Boss1: I want you to run next week ok?

Me: Ok

Conversation 10 Minutes Ago:

Boss2: Why you add guar gum to the new formula?

Me: 0_o? I followed the recipe that you told me to last week. *proceeds to read off Xg of guar gum*

Boss1: The original formula does not have guar gum why would be want to add?

Me: Because you said we wanted to to thicken the product a bit.

Boss2: Why don't you get approval from us first?

QA2: Before this approval wasn't needed for trial batches, we just prepared according to management instructions. Only batches which came out well were finally approved.

Boss1: No we need to see the black and white I don't remember saying to add guar gum.

Boss2: You need to ta this matter seriously you know.

Me & QA2: *completely perplexed*


Me: Haritu you dengar tak Boss1 suruh tambah guar gum?

Production supervisor : ya saya ada dengar.

Me: kan... T-T

QA2: Dia kata tak ada dalam formula original pun kenapa dia nak suruh tambah.

Production supervisor:: Dia kata suruh add nak tambah pekat. Kalau tak tambah itu guar gum jadi sangat cair maa...

Kesakitan hati yg teramat apabila salah sendiri tapi disebabkan anda "boss" semua responsibility kesalahan tersebut boleh bagi kat pekerja baru konnonya yang tak tau ikut prosedur. Yang lagi best, baru berapa hari sebelum tu run trial batch lain, tak ada pulak berdecit pasal black and white. Sememangnya sebelum ni tak wujud pun prosedur tu. X kesah lah kalau dia nak mulakan. Masalahnya bila mulut dah bercakap tapi tak nak mengaku, sila2 lah jangan cuba blame orang lain yer.. tu pasal bertahun2 pun dalam industri tak akan boleh maju kedepan. -_-v

I'm. Just. Saying.


biha said...

Woah...makan dalam.

Kecikjer said...

Haha XD

terlebih stress time tu ^^v

En iLHAM said...

memang biase berlaku la fufu
tensen kan kalau jadik macam ni
saya selalu kene

*eh, saya tak ingat pun saya pernah cakap macam tu. awak ni pandai2 jer*

dan saya jawab

oklah, tapi lepas ni saya bawak handset rakam semua apa yang en cakap. takdelah tak ingat lagi kan.huhu

Kecikjer said...

btul tu syamil.

klu ekut kan hati nak cctv skali leh rakam muke die yg xnak mengaku tu..

mwuaahahah kejam skejap XD