
Tick Tock

I haven't been writing for a bit.

There's just been a whole lot going on, I haven't had the actual time to sit patiently and narrate the events of my life. But here's the rundown so far.

  • My precious baby passed away about a month ago. By that I mean Apit, my cat. Actually two of my cats were poisoned. Unfortunately my baby didn't make it. I was at work when I got the call. I really can't explain the feeling. I think it was just the night before I was thinking how it would feel if he did leave me somehow. And i guess he did. I still get teary eyed when i think about him sometimes.

  • I recently attended a marriage/pre marriage course known as Baitul Muslim 2.0. Apparently my mother is showing her desperation a little more than usual. She paid for the admission. Personally I thought it was alright. The speakers were great, and there were some eye openers. But, I do urge the committee of Baitul Muslim 3.0 would perhaps consider supplying food to the masses. If not then make sure that there are actually stalls where one could buy food. It was a 9am-10pm program. I was close to gastric by the time we went home.

  • My Beijing trip is only 5 more days away. The thought of catching a break is definitely tempting. But the work that's cut out for me is equally as frightening. My proposal seminar is two weeks after my return in which i have to submit an abstract at the end of this week. Publication for conversion must be settled before May. Great timing for a writer's block. 

  • Yesterday I purchased 2 tickets for my sister and I to TVXQ's Catch Me World Tour. Previously it was JYJ's showcase, and now homin concenrt. At least now I can say  that i've seen all 5 on stage. If not all five at the same time... *sobs* But i'm excited to be part of the red ocean again ^^

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